Over the past 50 years, MassEdCO has grown to become the Commonwealth's largest provider of community-based education and career readiness services for low-income, first generation college bound students and adults.
We continue to focus our efforts ensuring that postsecondary education choices are not just good academic and career fits but good financial fits as well. We're working tirelessly to reduce staggering student indebtedness by helping students and adults make more informed financial decisions before they enroll.
Your donation on #GivingTuesday will help support MassEdCO's mission and better guarantee that future students are not saddled with the same staggering debt we see today.
To donate today, go to MassEdCO's Facebook donation page
If you're not on Facebook, you can donate using this link to MassEdCO's donate page.
On behalf of MassEdCO and our 10,000+ students and adults we serve each year, THANK YOU! and Happy Holidays!