Worcester Area Educational Opportunity Center

MassEdCO, Inc.: 18 Chestnut Street, Suite 210, Worcester, MA 01608
Contact us to get started!
508-754-6829 x3004
eocworcester [at] massedco.org
Available to Adults and Youth

Call the number above to make an appointment with one of our advisors. Prepare for the appointment by gathering and bringing with you the materials on the List of Needed Information for the FAFSA and/or CSS Profile.


As of May 16, 2022, MassEdCO's corporate office and its Worcester Area Educational Opportunity Center are located at 18 Chestnut Street, Suite 210. The GPS address for visitor parking is Maple Place, adjacent to the building. Maple Place is accessed by turning onto Maple Street from Main Street and traveling straight some 400 ft into the parking area. Once parked, enter the building and take the elevator to the 2nd floor, following signs for the Lobby. MassEdCO offices will be on your right off the main lobby.

Public Transportation

The MassEdCO office is conveniently located near the RTA hub. Go to www.therta.com for more information


Name Program Contact Information
Kerry Berry
Education Advisor
Educational Opportunity Center
Melissa Daley
EOC Director of Operations
Educational Opportunity Center
Anne Muirhead
Senior Education Advisor
Educational Opportunity Center